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Help at home!

Do your part

We are pleased to know that you are interested in changing your lifestyle to help the planet. We are going to give you plenty of ways to do this. You do not have to do all of them but as long as you try to help we are happy. These may not seem to be important but they make a bigger difference than you may think.

Help the planet!


To help save water you can leave buckets outside if you know it will rain. The water collected can be used to water the plants when next you need to. You can avoid taking baths and take short showers instead, turn off the tap whilst brushing your teeth and do not flushing every time you use the toilet unless you need to. Only flush toilet paper as baby wipes use plenty of cotton which is not found in toilet paper. If you want to save milk try this: once you have finished your cereal but still have milk left, leave it there instead of drinking it and you already have something for your next bowl. Have leftovers to reduce waste. To save energy, you can use LED light bulbs. You can turn the heating down and wear a jumper and put a lid on your saucepan so that the heat stays inside. You could also use a drought stopper in winter to keep nasty chills away.  To reduce transport fumes you can take trips locally, take public transport, your bike/skateboard  or your own two feat. Recycle, metals, plastic and glass, reduce your carbon footprint by shopping locally and using less paper and reuse broken and/or old things by fixing them. You can also reuse plastic bottles by turning them into plastic bottles or search up "What can I make out of a plastic bottle?" You could buy things that have been made sustainably such as a pencil-case made out of sweet wrappers. You can plant lots/more flowers in your garden to help bees. Avoid using pesticide on plants as it makes many hidden effects on animals. You can encourage wildlife in your garden by making bug-hotels or birdhouses.

At home!


You can reduce the amount of meat you eat by simply buying less. To reduce your packaging you can make your own cakes instead of buying some. There are plenty of recipes online. You can reduce the amount of meat you eat by simply buying less. But when  you search online it's better to use the search engine "Ecosia" as it is carbon negative and uses plenty of its profit to plant trees. You can give to a charity shop because then whatever was previously yours could be used again. You can spend time in your garden instead of indoors as that means the lights in your house turn off. An easy way to help the planet is by looking at what you buy, food with palm oil that isn't certified is probably made by cutting down forest. Therefore you should forget the big brands and go with a possibly more environmentally friendly alternative. You can join campaigns if you know that it is safe from a) coronavirus and b) violence. If not write persuasive letters to your mp representative to change what it does. If you have a dirty car, it can sometimes be better to go to a car-wash centre as they have more efficient systems which could potentially save water. You can put a "no junk mail"  sign on your door so that those who make it print less. if you are up for the job, try litter picking your area. You can invest in a passive house, which is a house with eco-friendly systems. Try a few of these out and see if you like them because the more of the swaps you make the better the outcome. You can reduce the amount of computers and other tech you throw away. Throwing away this type of waste is known as "E-waste"

With us!


Once that you have done all these things, you need to spread the word otherwise the changes you make will probably not make that much of a difference. Therefore the most important thing we ask of you is to spread the word. Let others know about this website and what changes you made to your life and how. Tell them everything and how they need to spread the word as well. That is how we will make a difference.

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